Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC)is a higher level of care to support foster care youth that need intensive therapeutic support inside the home. It is a short-term, intensive, highly coordinated, trauma-informed, and individualized intervention, provided by a TFC parent to a child or youth who has complex emotional and behavioral needs. The TFC parent will work under the supervision and under the direction of a Licensed Mental Health Professional within Parents by Choice.
Resource parents can speak to our family approvals department, their Parents by Choice social worker or contact Mental Health services directly. Once we are notified that we have a resource parent interested in becoming TFC certified, our Mental Health Services department will contact the resource parent to review the program and it's requirements. If the resource parent wishes to become certified, they will begin the enrollment process.
TFC parents will work with a supportive team to help the client reach their treatment plan goals, improve ability to function well at home, school and the community, help the child remain in the home and out of residential facility, and write daily progress notes for time spent providing therapeutic interventions.
The impeach that you will have on the children and youth in your care will be for a lifetime towards healing and building resiliency.
If you're not a resource parent with Parents by Choice already, please click the button below to get started on your journey to become a resource parent first.
If you're already a resource parent with Parents by Choice, please let your Parents by Choice social worker know that you are interested in becoming a TFC parent.
D. Jimenez, TFC Parent